A Tribute to Zeb.
Eddie’s lovely dog who passed away last Friday 7 February aged 10.
Zeb entered Ed’s life as young dog who had a difficult start in life with several homes before they met up. The bond was instant and two lives were changed completely. Ed suddenly learnt responsibility, he progressed from rather a wild young man into a caring adult, he adored Zeb, or Hank as he usually called him. We all fell for Zeb’s easy charm and funny ways.

He went everywhere with Ed, inseparable. Zeb adored his walks by the rivers and in the country. He had the run of the large garden when we worked at Shoby and his all time favourite walk was always in Swithland Woods where he played in the stream and ran among the trees and in the bracken. He loved going in all the vans especially the big one where he looked out and down like royalty.
He was a proud and handsome dog admired and loved by all at TTR. We have many customers who loved to see Zeb when they visited and Zeb loved them too.
Zeb’s journey with Ed saw hem meet Jess now his Fiancée and then the move to their new house with its lovely walled garden where Zeb played.
At the weekends and evenings Ed often took Zeb to the fields where he flies his model helicopters with his friends. Ed’s chums all enjoyed seeing Zeb and they enjoyed barbecues and social events of which Zeb was the star man.
A big change happened three years ago when TTR moved to our new units in Melton Mowbray but as usual Zeb adapted immediately and happily. He had beds around the offices and the canteen generally by the radiators which he loved! We all took turns giving him walks during the day, he always came to work with Ed and we loved having him.
Zeb was very sociable and friendly with all our visitors and was occasionally on the missing list! Once found in the rear of a customers car heading to Belgium and even in the back of a UPS van!
Sadly during his last year his back legs grew weaker and the walks shorter. On Friday poor Ed and Jess took him to his favourite place Swithland Woods where he rallied for a last paddle in the steam and a little walk. Typical Zeb a fighter to the end. Brave, Proud and Oh so Handsome.
Zeb you were the making of Ed. His brother. His best friend. His world.
Rest in peace big man. We will miss you so much but we will never forget you, your funny ways and love for living. Zeb you were the best. “The Boss”